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The Priorities Fund of The Church of Ireland


St James’ Church

Crinken (Dublin Diocese)

A grant of €10,000 was awarded in 2013, for an outreach initiative and fresh expression of church, in the Bray/Shankill area.

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Magheraculmoney Parish

Clogher Diocese

Since 2012, Stg£18,000 has been awarded over three years, to develop a variety of new programmes, to reach the youth in Kesh and the wider area.

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Tullamore Union

Meath Diocese

In 2012, a grant of €15,000 was awarded to assist with the provision of a parish based community facility and resources, to provide support to the local community.

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Mullingar Union

Meath Diocese

In 2013, €25,000 was awarded to support this parish’s project on innovative ministry.

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Muckamore Parish Development Association

Connor Diocese

In 2009, Stg£66,000 was awarded over three years, for a project to re–establish the outreach work of the parish in the Ballycraigy housing area and to re–connect with the unchurched of Muckamore.

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