St Nicholas’ Schola Cantorum
Tuam Diocese
A grant of €7,000 was awarded in 2014, to assist with the setting up costs of the Schola Cantorum school of singers, enabling further development and activities.
A grant of €7,000 was awarded in 2014, to assist with the setting up costs of the Schola Cantorum school of singers, enabling further development and activities.
In 2014, a grant of Stg£5,000 was awarded towards the provision of a cooking/baking facility, within an emergency food bank project in inner east Belfast.
A grant of Stg£12,000 was awarded in 2014 for the capital cost of a minibus, for use in a cross community schools programme called ‘Choir School’.
In 2012 and 2014, grants totalling €32,000 were awarded for the furnishing and equipping of the Lissadell Centre, for outreach activities in the community.
In 2012, Stg£65,000 was awarded over three years to provide a diocesan outreach to rural areas, reconnecting with young people who are involved in loyalist band and other rural organisations.
€30,000 was awarded in 2013/14 for the refurbishment of the Church Institute building, for use as a parish hall and wider community activities.
In 2011 and 2012, Stg£25,000 was awarded for parochial development in the Monkstown Estate, necessitated by the needs of effective ministry to the wider community.
In 2011, grants totalling Stg£30,000 over three years were awarded for ‘The Wells Project Youth Ministry’.
Grants totalling Stg£20,000 were awarded in 2012 over three years, for the purpose of overcoming sectarianism and parading issues in Stoneyford.
In 2013, €7,305 was awarded for a two year project, to build relationships within the four parishes in the group and the wider community.